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"Stairway To Heaven"

There's a lady who's sure all that
glitters is gold
And she's buying the stairway to heaven.
When she gets there she knows,
if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for.
Ooh, ooh, and she's buying the stairway
to heaven.

There's a sign on the wall but she wants
to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes words
have two meanings.
In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird
who sings,
Sometimes all of our thoughts a
re misgiven.
Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it makes me wonder.

There's a feeling I get when I look to
the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
In my thoughts I have seen rings of
smoke through the trees,
And the voices of those who stand looking.
Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it really makes me wonder.

And it's whispered that soon if we
all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason.
And a new day will dawn for those
who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter.

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow,
don't be alarmed now,
It's just a spring clean for the May queen.
Yes, there are two paths you can go by,
but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on.
And it makes me wonder.

Your head is humming and it won't go,
in case you don't know,
The piper's calling you to join him,
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow,
and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind.

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul.
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold.
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll.

And she's buying the stairway to


Finished with my woman 'cause she
couldn't help me with my mind
people think I'm insane because
I am frowning all the time
All day long I think of things but
nothing seems to satisfy
Think I'll lose my mind if I don't
find something to pacify

Can you help me occupy my brain?
Oh yeah

I need someone to show me the
things in life that I can't find
I can't see the things that make
true happiness, I must be blind

Make a joke and I will sigh and you
will laugh and I will cry
Happiness I cannot feel and love
to me is so unreal

And so as you hear these words telling
you now of my state
I tell you to enjoy life I wish I could
but it's too late

nedjelja, 21.01.2007.

moj msn...

blog mi već malo dosadiše,pa sam prešla na msn...


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četvrtak, 23.11.2006.

Sponzoruše i ravnopravnost među spolovima...

Svakog dana osim što moram u školu,odlazim i u (meni)najomraženiji grad na svijetu…POREČ…Taj grad je primjer najvećeg snobizma u Hrvatskoj,doslovno mi se gadi.Kakvo je to društvo kad već cure sa 16,17 godina (navodno buduće intelektualke)na kavama samo pričaju o šiptarima(svaka čast ok pojedincima,ali takvi su prerijetki u poreču),parfemima i smatraju da su cilj postigle kad svojim razgolićenim tijelom „uhvate“ tipa s dobrim autom.hej cure,mlade ste,zajebavajte se,čemu glumiti dobre curice kad se dobro zna da ste obične droce…mislim da je u modernom društvu izumrla riječ bonton,tj.osnove ljudskog ponašanja.ljudi se ne srame što i sami znaju da su seljačine,hvale se svojim neznanjem i primitivnošću.Svi su nešto uvredljivi,ego im je velik,nema više rješavanja nesporazuma riječima nego odmah vadi nož..jebote…nekoć je čovjeku bila osobna sramota da prevari nekoga.dogovor je zlata vrijedio,al nee danas su svi besramni,veliki,važni…ako nekog razbiješ-faca si,ako nekom otmeš dečka-uuu,uspjeh,prevariš curu-u pravi si ti igrač…di je moral,etika,ljudskost,bonton,osnove normalnog ponašanja…Sve se nešto žene bore za ravnopravnost spolova,kako uopće jedna žena kojoj je cilj bogato se udat i cijeli život trošit muževe pare,sjedit doma može želit ravnopravnost…kako se takva žena može smatrati ekvivalentnom s muškarcima,tim činom same sebe podređuju,uopće ne koriste svoj mozak(koji im nakon nekog vremena zakržlja)podređuju se muževima,daju da ih se maltretira,iskorištava,vara…Žene su si same krive što imaju status manje vrijednog spola,pa samo vi mislite novčanikom glupače(ženski san je udati se bogato i biti kućanica,kupovati firmiranu robu i cijeli dan se šminkati)!zato ovim postom ukazujem na velike i jake žene koje bi nam svima nama mogle biti uzor…Margaret Tacher,Carla del Ponte,Vesna Škare-Ožbolt,Hillary Clinton.Naravno da ne bi baš svu krivnju bacila na žene ukazujem na to da i državni sistem ima utjecaja na to…ali možda 10%.Kao primjer najsavršenijeg sistema za ravnopravnost spolova je komunizam...I države u kojima je velika zaposlenost…
Razlog što sam nakon tako dugo vremena napisala post je da sam sjela za kompjuter u pravo vrijeme-napadaju bjesa i razočaranja.

nemojte se ljutit jer blog je ipak sloboda mišljenja i izražavanja!

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nedjelja, 07.05.2006.

Fernando Alonso

Fernando Alonso

moj najdraži sport F1!
i najdraži vozać uz Fizicelu i Montoyu.

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petak, 21.04.2006.

novi post

nakon mnogo sati proućavanja međuljudskih odnosa zakljućih:da su ljudi iz velikog grada npr.zagreb puno okrutniji i hladniji jedni prema drugima za razliku od ljudi na moru.dali je to zbog velićine grada,mogućnosti odabira razlićitog društva ili nećeg drugog,ne bi znala reć...p.s.zagrebćani-nemojte se ljutith....rolleyes

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subota, 01.04.2006.

shame on you america!

vrlo dobar text o svim američkim sranjima!

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Shame on you, America. You had in your hands the opportunity, the responsibility, the absolute necessity to bring about change. The eyes of the world were all resting hopefully on you, but you failed us. You, as a nation, had the chance to try and save the world to which you belong – not a world that belongs to you, as many of your inhabitants apparently believe - from the rapidly accelerating downward spiral it is currently on. But instead of rising to the occasion, instead of realizing the urgency of the situation, instead of responding to the desperate worldwide need to remove increasingly authoritarian power from the hands of fear-mongering, malevolent scoundrels, you have fallen prey to the hatred, terror and ignorance manipulatively instilled in you by those very same villains. The entire world was looking to you, rooting for you, believing in you, counting on you, hoping against hope that you would have the most basic and simple common sense to stop these forces of evil, corruption and destruction that lead you – that lead all of us – deeper and deeper into chaos, confusion and war. How could you have failed the human race in such a miserable, shameful, unequivocal manner? You had your chance. The opportunity was right there - the opportunity to put the brakes on this hellbound train we are all on. What a waste, what a shame, what a disgrace. Say it ain’t so, America. Please tell us you didn’t just re-elect a man who acts without thinking and continues on his course even though hindsight has proven him dead wrong.

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Shame on you, America. Shame on you for believing the lies you were forcefed, even while the truths exposing them were plain and visible to all. Shame on you for stubbornly refusing to see that this “president”, in a span of four short years, has done more damage to you and to your fellow nations than any other president before him. Shame on you for swallowing whole the lies, the fear, the hate and the narrow-mindedness that this administration and its corporate allies have worked so hard to indoctrinate in you. Shame on you for condemning the entire world to the consequences of another four years of this ruthless, vicious, scheming, fraudulent administration.

Shame on you, America. Shame on you for electing a president who believes that a nine year old victim of incest must go through with having her rapist’s baby, with the only alternative option being an illegal back-alley abortion (the kind of which scores of women have died in the past), so long as the “culture of life” is preserved. Shame on you for forcing upon others, at home and abroad, your so-called “culture of life”, while at the same time yawning over the fact that Americans so far have killed 100,000 Iraqis in this war, the majority of whom were innocent women and children – over thirty times the number of innocent civilians killed on September 11th. This culture of life whose chief proponent is so concerned about the sacredness of each and every human life that he was the most inflexibly murderous governor in the nation. This culture of life that subjects at least 27 billion innocent animals (4 and half times the entire human population on Earth) to a drawn-out, torturous death every year in the U.S. alone. This same culture in which fathers take their sons out to kill unsuspecting animals and then call it “sport”. This culture of life that spends $200 billion on machines of mass murder while remaining completely oblivious to the fact that 60 million humans die of starvation each year across the globe. This culture of life that is such a staunch supporter of the sanctity of human existence that it places severely limiting restrictions upon critical research that would help millions of people all around the world… live?

Shame on you for having such strong family values, such upright, honorable, morals, that you passed a constitutional amendment in every state in which it was proposed that won’t even allow a man to say his last good-byes to his partner of twenty years as the latter lays dying in the hospital. Shame on you for inculcating in your children the belief that love between humans is an ugly and unnatural thing, when it is now a proven biological fact that homosexuality accounts for a full 10% of all natural sexual orientation. Shame on you for pushing your laws and restrictions into the private business of loving couples who mean you no harm and wish nothing more than to live their lives happily and in peace. Shame on you for forcing your black-and-white religious beliefs upon those who don’t share them. Shame on you for electing, in a secular, democratic country, an administration that is determined to force evangelical Christian values upon the remaining 80% of its population who were born just fine the first time. Shame on you for supporting a man that will allow 15% of your population to go on living without health care, all the while continuing to crown yourself “The Greatest Country in the World”. Shame on you for electing a president who lied to your face by promising not one month ago that he would not reinstate the military draft, when you know full well that the draft is on its way. Shame on you for sanctioning the conscription of young, hopeful, open-minded, peace-loving people to fight an unjust, dishonest, misleading, profit-driven, imperialist, bloody war, a war that they should not, need not, must not fight, a war that was originally, and now even officially, based on nothing but lies and greed. Shame on you for falling prey to shallow, facile jingoism instead of attempting to open to the possibility of global understanding and international cooperation. Shame on you for supporting a government that openly mocks international war and anti-torture conventions in Guantanamo Bay and Iraq. Shame on you for electing an administration that keeps people in solitary confinement for years on end while denying them lawyers, trials, and the light of day, when they are, according to your own laws, innocent until proven guilty. Shame on you for so easily, so willingly giving up the civil rights that your countrywomen and men have fought so hard to earn. Shame on you for supporting an administration that will only increase your dependency on foreign oil, while completely ignoring the potential technological opportunities that could wean us from this disastrous addiction. Shame on you for re-electing a president that has maintained a policy of complete and utter disregard for the environment, at a time when the environment needs relief from our raping of it more than ever before. Shame on you for not realizing that “God appointed me to the task” and “God told me to do it” are very dangerous justifications for a leader to use - the same kind, in fact, that Osama Bin Laden used on September 11th. Shame on you for electing to the position of most powerful person in the world a man whose primary concern is to serve – in his own words – the “haves and have-mores”, while completely ignoring the “have-lesses and have-nots”. Shame on you for electing an administration that could care less about the fact that it has turned you into the most hated country in the world. Shame on you for electing as president a man who had the mind-boggling audacity to criticize and spread deliberate lies about the military service of his triple-purple-heart-earning opponent when his own service was nothing but a mark of shame. Shame on you for voting for a man whose personal buddy, the one that built the paper-trail-less electronic voting machines, publicly stated that he would “win Ohio for Bush”. Shame on you for making Fox News the most watched news source in America when it is a blatant and unapologetic propaganda machine. Shame on you for appointing a man who has maintained close personal and financial ties with the Saudis and the Bin Ladens for decades to the responsibility of defending you against Osama and his terrorist network. Shame on you for letting the world down. Shame on you, America, for closing your mind.

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utorak, 28.03.2006.


koj klinac?opet sam sjebala cjeli dizajnnn.ahhebiga kad smo mi ljudi znatiželjni pa volimo proućavat i prčkat po stvarima u koje se ne kužimo,dok ne sjebemo sve...opet razbih zub.heheh....ovaj put ne u kontejneru za smeće nego-pohlepno jedući vrući,fini tost sa siromheadbang

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srijeda, 08.03.2006.

05.03.2006., nedjeljarest in piece!
rest in piece...

ovaj post posvečen je mom najdražem psu Ciciju koji je poginuo u požaru ovaj petak...
naime dok smo ja i stari ružili vani do kasno u mojoj kući se doslovno dešavao PAKAO!
krim policija je ustvrdila da je došlo do požara zbog instalacija...

uglavnom...u 3 ujutro me u opijanju prekinuo talefonski poziv...rekli su mi da imam sreče što su baka i deda preživjeli,ali nažalost mali pas nije?!?!?!stvorila mi se knedla u grlu...desio se ogroman požar u prostoriji u kojoj je moj pas spavao,u kojoj je stajalo brdo vrijednih starih knjiga,sve stare rock,jazz i blues ploče,mali milijun cd-a kvalitetne muzike,kompjuter sa svim podatcima koji su tati trebali za posao,sve pjesme koje je napisao je spremio u kompjuter...2 prostorije i garaža su skroz izgorili...skupa sa mojim psoom...samo se nadam da se je ugušio prije nego što je počeo goriti...on je bio jedini koji je volio sve moje mane i vrline,koji me uvjek dočekao s osmjehom na licu,čekao je tjednima i mjesecima dan kad ću ja doć u Zaprešić,obožavao je svaki tenutak moje pažnje...još ne mogu vjerovati da ga nema,kako da se pomirim s tim da me neće svaki put kad dođem u zaprešić ćekati malo,žuto,blesavo veselo biće...
da bi situacija bila još gora,dok je kuća u prizemlju gorila,na drugom katu je bio moj deda invalid i moja baka koja umire od raka i ima još par dana života..:(
oni su osjetili požar tek kad je došao gust crni dim do njih...baka je počela trčat u prizemlje i ušla je u goreču prostoriju pokušavajući spasiti psa,ali prekasno...cjela kosa joj je izgorila...zatim je u 2 i po ponoči počela trčati po susjedstvu(onako slaba)i tražiti pomoć jer telefoni nisu radili...deda se u međuvremenu bacio s kolica i dopuzao do balkona kako se nebi ugušio.susjedi su stigli,ali nisu mogli do dede koji je ležao na balkonu,tek su ga vatrogasci uspjeli spasit i izvuć iz kuće,a on je brižan u polu nesvjesti govorio vatrogascima da idu mene spasit,a ja sam bila vani...sad su baka i deda kod susjedstva jer u kući nema više prozora,struje,vode...
šteta je ogromna,ali svi najviše,pogotovo tata žale za psom,koji mu je bio jedini pravi prijatelj...

uglavnom ovaj vikend mi se pretvorio u nočnu moru...najgore je kad u takvom trenutku nemaš nikoga ili ga imaš,ali ima pametnija posla,rame za plakanje,nemaš nikoga da te vodi van da zaboraviš...
ovo je bio zadnji put da sam vidila baku...toga još nisam svjesna,nisam se ni pravo oprostila s njom...ne mogu,pre bolno mi je...

ovaj post je čisti crnjak,obečajem da više neću pisat ovakve teme...sad bi se trebala ić rezat da budem in:)jer ono,kužiš,fakat nemožeš bit prava metalka ili gotičarka ako se ne režeš...đizs koje gluposti...

06.01.2006., petak

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petak, 06.01.2006.

Children Of Bodom-KONCERT!

za 120 kn stvarno se isplatilo ići na koncet!
U Boogalu se hrpa raznih metalaca poćela skupljat oko 8h,te naguravat ispred bine.
ćak su bile 2 predgrupe-One Man Army i Ektomorf!taman su se ljudi zagrijali.tj oznojali,razmahali,izudarali...i onda sljedi dugotrajno ćekanje Bodoma u gužvi.To je bila takva bitka za doći u prve redove da je samo najednom 100-tinjak ljudi završilo na podu-ko domino.jebeno!
osjećala se velika napetost i smrad od znoja u zraku...svi su bili u isčekivanju..i NAPOKONN stigli su bodomi!rulja je popizdila od sreće!
likovi stvarno znaju napravit dobar show,a kako tek jebeno sviraju,koje solaže!najžešće je bilo kad su na klavijaturama i gitari kratko imitirali britney,i ismijavali...hahahaha.
pohvalili su nas da smo dobra publika.jeeej!
sve ženske su naravno popizdile zbog prezgodnog Alexija,a kad je lik stvarno jebeno savršen,ali nikad se nebi spustila na razinu da dolazima na koncert samo zbog njega i da mu se derem i publike.jadno!
najžešće mi je bilo kad se jedan lik do mene derao:"steraj one smrdljive komunjare u kurac koje se guraju",a ja njemu:koje komunjare?on:pa oni koji se guraju.ja:i ja sam komunjara pa se ne guram!kad sam ja skužila da je sve puno skinsa...aaaaa bježi u pogo.bolje nastradat u pogu nego od skinsa!barem ne nastradaš od seljačina
i,bilo je dosta ljudi iz splita,osjeka,pule...i vidjela sam frenda iz poreča-Benka!
i par zahvala:
hvala čupavom mufu što me doveo do boogalua(ne poznajem baš zagreb)
hvala frendovima iz zaprešića koji su me nosili na vratu,tako da mogu vidit dobro.
i hvala čovjeku ventilatoru do mene što me hladio,mislim i ja bengam glavom i pogam,ali onom brzinom mahat glavom...svaka ćast!
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7. Hate Me!

[B]I was born in ashes of molten hatered
Raised by demons in abodes of the end
The Reaper's scythe I fall upon to light my path
Wrecked by mangled wounds of life
I have become become the resurrection of the Evil one
'Y know that I don't fucking care if I live or die

I need a bishop preaching fire to get away with my sins
I despise everything I see so I don't give a fuck if ya hate me

Ain't got respect for humanity
Never lived or wanted immortality
The Reaper's shadow I fall upon to obscure my path
Every day I'm being battered up until I bleed
You motherfuckas just leave me be
Ya could never give me cure for the pain I feel inside

Led by the Reaper I walk in the night
Show me the way to yer kingdom come

I believe in Armageddon, I've been baptised in alcohol
I'm enbodyment of Antichrist
I'm living for my own demise
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p.s.svi koji ovaj put niste bili na koncetu,potrudite se da drugi put idete jer to treba vidjet u živo!

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nedjelja, 01.01.2006.

Sretna Nova Godina!

happy new year!
5,4,3,2,1...odbrojavanje je počelo...sretna nova godina!
mnogi vjeruju i nadaju se da se je sve promjenilo u tih par sekundi i da će od onda bit bolje-će kurac!samo se moraju štampat novi kalendari,zaradit na primitivnim ljudima koji se daju tom sistemu manipulirat...ostalo sve ostaje isto,samo što ste drage šminkerice siromašnije za par tisuća kuna koje ste potrošile na novogodišnji shopping,a mi ulazimo u novu s još pola jetre manje.
menii se jedinoo posrečilo u novoj godini...mrnjau,slurp....duga plava kosa....
fuck imam u zagrebu zakopanu negdje u snjegu bocu vina,piva,sky cole...sestrichnin šampanjac za 11kn.koji uopče nije ćista kemija:)
sad ću ić prekopavat cjelo područje oko ..... mjesta.
alla boh,idem nastavit čorit!

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ponedjeljak, 26.12.2005.


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evo,samo da se javim da sam živa...na novoj adresi...ovaj blog će mi bit potpuno drugačiji od prethodnog.Jer sam naućila da nisu baš sve stvari za javnost,jer ti te donekle privtne stvari može pročitat kriva osoba,na koju niste ni slutili da bi mogla zalutat na vaš blog i napravit sranja na vašu štetu...kao što je zbog mog bloga jedan zaposlenik naše obrazovne ustanove zbog dotićnih razloga skoro dobio otkaz,iako ja to nebi nimalo željela i baš zog toga više ne namjeravam navodit nikakva imena!

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